Friday, February 7, 2014


I wonder how long I can keep researching a plant based lifestyle and still eat the junk that I eat everyday. This information is like gold! I,  being a southern girl,  eat cheese grits for breakfast on every day that ends in y. It contains one tablespoon of butter and two slices of American cheese. Sometimes,  I break off a corner of the cheese while preparing my food.

 Lately I have noticed that the cheese is gross by itself. My cheese grits always turn out amazing, but I wonder what's changed with the cheese as much as I wonder what's changed with milk (we will save my milk conspiracies for another time). I wonder how much research it will take before I head up to the health food store and drive the cashier nuts drilling her with questions. I want so badly to know what I am putting in my family's body is beneficial to their health!  So far I have set a horrible example for eating habits. I want change!

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